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Turnover Type Water Tank Wire Drawing Machine

Thi s t ype m a c h i n e i m p r o v e d a n d produced by our c o m p a n y i s s p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d f o r d r awi n g h i g h - strength copperp l a t e d s t e e l wire which use for making steel cords. It is also s u i t a b l e f o r d r a w i n g fi n e - s i z e d h i g h - c a r b o n s t e e l wires and alloy w ir e s , a n d i s used for vertical or horizontal I spool take-up. Th i s m a c h i n e has AC frequency conversion speed regulation, PLC f u l l d i g i t a l communication control, constant t e n s i o n adjustment, touch screen display, complete safety system, automatic diagnosis and m a n - m a c h i n e d i a l o g u e functions.

加工材料 Raw material 索氏體化鍍黃銅、高碳鋼絲
Sorbite brass plating, high carbon steel wire
啟動時間 Start time s 5-30
進線直徑 Input mm ≤1.7-2.8 驅動電機功率 Main motor kw 30-45
出線直徑 Output mm 0.25-1.0 電控方式 Electrical Control PLC控制、多功能自動保護 PLC, Multi-function and automatic protection
進線抗拉強度 Input tensile strength MPa <1280-1350 塔輪表面 Capstan 噴涂 WC,HRC60--62 Coated WC,HRC60--62
出線抗拉強度 Input tensile strength MPa 2250-3200 噪音 Noise db <82
道次 Max.Dies Qty draft 17-25 潤滑冷卻方式 Cooling type 浸入式循環(huán)冷卻 Immersion circulating cooling
平均壓縮率 Average compression ratio % 12.5-14.5 潤滑箱容量 Water tank volume L 600-800
拉拔速度 Speed m/s 10-20 重量 Dimension mm (1980-4200) x1600 x (1650-1910)
塔輪結構 Capstan structure 分體式 Split type 外形尺寸 Weight kg 2500-3500
放線工字輪 Pay-off mm 用戶自定 Customised

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